We make the results of our services totally transparent so that you can independently assess the value we provide your business. We set up Google Analytics that record the number of visits to your website and the source of that traffic, as well as keywords used in searches that lead to your site. By recording the source of traffic, the Analytics demonstrate not only the success of our services, but also the success of the other forms of online advertising you use, such as yellowpages.com. This gives you tremendous insight into how your advertising dollars are being spent and the return on your investment, allowing your business to determine how to maximize your advertising dollar.
We can also set up call analytics to record information about phone calls to your business. Call analytics capture who called, when the call was made and how long it lasted. We can even record the conversation. This way you can determine whether a phone call was just a sales person trying to sell you something or a potential customer interested in your services. Call recording also allows you to assess how well your employees sell or serve potential customers, giving you the opportunity to help improve an individual's skills in handling telephone calls, or the company's phone service policy as a whole. Click and call analytics is just another step we take to quantify the return on your investment in our services>.